December 4, 2019
Wall Sculpture
You will always be my greatest inspiration…
Date of completion: 11/10/2019
Dimensions with frame base: 65W x 53H x 14D Inches
Wood, epoxy cement, glass and oils.
About Artwork
Eternal struggle of being torn between the pulls of the material and the pursuit of enlightenment.
Mia Pearce
atStunning! Every little detail …just incredible! 👏
atThank you:)
Caitlin Heitz
atI love how this is so magical yet also so realistic at the same time. You did a great job capturing the essence of your subject while also using your imagination. Great job! I don’t know how you will be able to part with this piece though!
atThank you for the nice comment Caitlin. It will be hard to part with the piece.
atПрекрасные работы! Живые, аналоговые, тёплая энергетика, к ним хочется прикоснуться. Уверен, придадут тепла и уюта любому пространству. Одесса гордится! Успехов, Ди!
atСпасибо Мишенька!!! Так приятно???
Rachel Kamps-Huffman
atThe struggle, the courage, the beauty.
Drew Sommer
atIt was impressive to watch this transform from concept to reality. The balance between realism and abstraction is perfect. You can feel the opposing forces, the pulling between influences of light and dark, and the desire that we all have to reach up and be better. Great work!
atThank you so much for your support and love. I couldn’t have done it without you❤
atVery emotional surreal piece!
atThank you so much!!!?